The Hospital

We've got a little thing here, Doctor.
The girl over there
is the daughter of the patient in 806.

He is at the moment comatose,
and requires intravenous feeding and meds.

The daughter wants to take the father
out of the hospital...

and back to Mexico, where they live.
The patient's name is Drummond.
He's apparently a Methodist missionary.

They run some kind of religious mission
among the Apache Indians.

The daughter says she's a licensed nurse...
so she can give
the necessary IVs and treatment.

I don't think he should be let out
of the hospital.

The attending,
the guy in brown over there, concurs.

Wait, let me have all that again.
As a matter of fact,
this is Dr. Biegelman's case.

Never mind the professional ethics.
What happened?

I don't know why I'm covering up
for that son of a bitch in Farkis Pavilion.

The patient, a man of 56,
was admitted to the hospital 10 days ago...

in good health, for a checkup.
No visible distress.

We did the mandatory workup on him.
Blood cultures, stool, LE preps, chest EKG.

All negative. However, there was
some evidence of protein in his urine.

I don't know how that guy
in Farkis Pavilion found out.

Maybe he had a deal
with one of the girls in the lab.

He turned up the next day...
conned the patient into signing
an authorization for a biopsy.

- What guy in Farkis Pavilion?
- Some postgrad fellow named lves.

Elroy lves. I never met him. He's on
one of the immunology research programs.

Some postgrad came up here,
did a biopsy on the patient?

Yes, sir. He conned Biegelman
with that story...

Protein in the urine?
- And he biopsied the man?
- And he nicked a vessel.

They woke up Biegelman at 2:00
in the morning, as the patient was in shock.

Biegelman called the kidney people
for a consult.

But what was there to see?
The patient was sour and bleeding.

Spoke to this fellow, Sutcliff.
He referred us to a surgeon named Welbeck.
- That barber?
- You ain't heard nothing yet.

We finally got Welbeck
around 4:00 in the morning.
