The Hospital

I'd like to arrange an ambulance
at 1:30, tomorrow afternoon.

Drummond. First name, Barbara.
I'll pay cash.

You're to pick up my father,
Drummond, Edward...

at the Manhattan Medical Center,
Holly Pavilion, Room 806.

It's a stretcher case.
I presume you provide the stretcher.

He's to be taken to American Airlines...
Kennedy Airport,
Flight 729 to Yuma, Arizona.

I'll accompany the patient. Thank you.
- You believe in witchcraft, Miss Drummond?
- I believe in everything.

- You like a drink?
- Yeah.

My father, you should know,
was a very successful doctor in Boston.

A member of the Harvard Medical Faculty.
He was a widower, and I was his only child.
He was not an especially religious man,
a sober Methodist.

One evening, seven years ago...
he attended a Pentecostal meeting
at Harvard...

and found himself speaking in tongues.
He sank to his knees at the back of the room
and began to talk fluently...

in a language which no one
had ever heard before.

This sort of thing happens frequently
at Pentecostal meetings...

and began happening regularly to my father.
It was not unusual to walk into our home
and find my father sitting in his office...

utterly serene, happily speaking to the air
in this strange, foreign tongue.

I was, at that time, 20 years old...
having my obligatory affair
with a minority group.

In my case, a Hopi Indian,
a postgraduate fellow at Harvard...

doing his doctorate in aboriginal languages
of the Southwest.

One day, I brought the Indian boy home...
