The Last Picture Show

I'm surprised
you had the nerve to show up...

...after that stomping
you took last night.

What'd you say?
Could've been worse.
You can say that about everything.
A few teams have had
some luck with tackling.

Keeps the other team
f rom scoring so often.

Sounds too rough for me.
You don't care
if it was your last game.

You'll never get stomped
for your high school ball team again.

-Where's your school spirit?
-Don't know.

You working today?
The truck's being greased.
See, this is what I get for betting
on my own hometown ball team.

I ought to have better sense.
Wouldn't hurt if you had
a better hometown.

Mind pointing that
at the floor till I get by?

I don't want my eye poked out.
Don't let Billy get too far away.
You're damn more dangerous in
a pool hall than on a football field.

You ever heard of tackling?
