The Last Picture Show

Fade out, Crawford. One more time.
All right, you boys. Cut it out.
I got enough problems
without you playing that game.

We could've run off to Mexico
with this, you know.

-Play the new one we heard.
-Which one?

Down payment on breakfast.
Let someone rich play the jukebox.

Nobody rich would eat here.
-I ain't very hungry.
-Well, I am.

You want the pickup first?
I oughtn't always get it first.
It's half yours.

-Go ahead.
-You sure?

Yes. Anyways, I got
lots of deliveries to make.

And I have to go clear to Ranger.
I'll be lucky to get back
for the second show.

My goodness, Sonny. Frank oughtn't
work you so late on weekends.

That's what I tell him.
You ain't got in in time
to see the comedy in three weeks.

Hope you don't want popcorn.
There ain't none.

And you missed the newsreel too.
The main show's done started,
so I'll just charge you 30 cents.

Thanks, Miss Mosey.
I was wondering if my daughter had
deserted us, when I heard her voice.

Kay was our only daughter.
