The Last Picture Show

None at all.
Joe Bob?
I read that poem of his
about the nightingale.

I didn't think it was so good.
Sounded like he wanted
to be a nightingale.

I don't think he wanted
to be a nightingale, Joe Bob.

Maybe he just wanted to be immortal.
All you have to do to be immortal
is lead a good Christian life.

Anyone can do it
if they love the Lord.

Well, maybe so, Joe Bob. Maybe so.
Here now, let me read you this:
When old age
shall this generation waste

Thou shalt remain
in midst of other woe

Than ours, a friend to man,
to whom thou say'st.:

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty, "...
that is all

Ye know on earth,
and all ye need to know.

Run, you little pissants, run!
Tough it out!
You gotta be men like the rest of us.

None of you pretty enough to be women.
Here, Joe Bob.

Quit flapping your arms.
You look like a damn goose.

Even a preacher's boy
ought to be in shape.

What kind of female will you ever get?
Tough it out!
Run, you little pissants.
All right, off the court.
If y'all didn't jack off so much,
maybe you could stay in shape.

Come here a minute, Sonny.
You do me a favour,
and I'll do you one.

Sure, coach.
My old lady's got to go
to the doctor tomorrow.

You know women.
Always something wrong.

I guess.
Take it f rom me. Anyway, I don't
have time to drive her.

Now, if you'll do this for me,
I'll get you out of civics class.

I'll be glad to.
The best offer I've had all day.
