The Last Valley

No more looting, Captain?
We eat the place at leisure
and drink it dry by spring.

We'll eat while the army starves.
By the Madonna,
I'd give my life for a winter of peace...

with good food, decent women,
and maybe no killing.

Where's Korski?
Where else would Korski be, but on watch?
We found the valley, other patrols could.
Ours, or enemy.

That's right, Captain.
What about our women?
Yes, I have a wife and family back there.
What about the army and the baggage train?
Listen to Hansen...
plenty of women
where there's plenty of food?

Has it ever been different?
And isn't one as good as another?
But we've been winning all year.
How much pay we got?
Not a god-rotting pfennig.

I say we stay. It's a good valley. A miracle.
I say it stinks of Satan.
You stink of Satan.
How else could it be like this?
Perhaps we've been led
into the Promised Land, Eskesen.

Then it's agreed?
- Yes.
- No.

I've got a woman back there.
First, I want to hear what Korski says.
Korski will know what's right.
