The Last Valley

Your clothes are filthy.
We're going to wash them.

Why are you so kind to me?
Because we think you're worth caring about.
Thank you.
And the village?
All is peaceful?
We're soldiers, by God. We take what
we want, and to hell with the rest.

That's what we've always done.
The next time you oppose me, Hansen...
I will slit your tongue.
The penalty for rape...
will be public castration.
And for looting?
What is your pleasure, Father?
How else do we protect our homes,
if not by fear?

Very well.
For Catholics, blinding.
For the rest, 100 lashes...
all provided my men
have women of their own.

There are two or three widows
who might be prepared to be visited...

Or perhaps two dozen
will become widows by sundown.

Four, then.
Six, and they had better be worthy...
and the place worthy.
And you, Father...
you will give them
public blessing for their penance.

I obey God's orders, not your orders.
Of course, but why not sell them...
your holy indulgence...
a total remission for past and future sins...
which you could pay for?
Six. Widowed, married, or unmarried.
You have two days.
