The Last Valley

which brings me to the shrine near the pass.
Our Lady of the Shrine has guarded
the valley for centuries.

Many of my men think
that shrines are blasphemous idols...

that should be torn apart
and stamped into oblivion.

Touch the shrine...
and you will burn in hellfire for all eternity...
- and your entrails will be eaten with worms.
- The pox on hellfire!

That shrine is pointing at the village
like a finger.

Touch one stone...
and God will smite you.
But before that, we will rise up.
We will rise up...
and stamp you to oblivion.
How have you survived so long?
For almost six months of the year,
from the first snows...

the road is blocked, we are safe.
These mountains are cruel,
the country stripped bare.

Few come this way.
How he got in, only God knows.
So, where could the shrine be moved to?
Stay here. Vogel.
Here, beside the rock.
Good. Very good.
We keep our lookout up there.
A lookout is enough if your plan is to hide.
We fight for our valley.
don't move the shrine. It saved the valley.
