The Last Valley

That's mine.
This valley is so peaceful.
It would be easy to become possessed by it.
Does it make you feel
in the presence of God, Captain?

Don't talk to me of God.
We killed God at Magdeburg.
We laid that city flat...
butchered men, women, and children...
20,000, 30,000.
And then we burned the lot.
- Why?
- Vengeance.

You know,
that was vengeance for one of our cities...

which was vengeance
for one of their towns...

for one of our villages,
for one of their hamlets...

which was probably destroyed
in the first place...

to give some fat little princeling...
a better view of the Rhine.
Magdeburg is that simple.
My family were there.
My father, mother...
my wife, and my son.
Then they have been dead for 12 long years.
We all have things we would like to forget.
Magdeburg is mine.
What is yours, Vogel?
