The Last Valley

How else could a man remain sane?
If they can't, then 10,000 to 20,000
innocent men, women, and children...

are falsely accused,
brutally tortured till they confess.

Then murdered, each year,
in Germany alone.

All in the name of God.
Nations are murdered in the name of God.
You are so naive.
You want to look under the plate
they put the food on.

There's no need for that.
Nothing's hidden.
Why did you marry?
It was Gruber's way of protecting me.
Who from?
The harpies of the village,
and other men, and the priest.

Him, too!
If popes and bishops
can have families, why not priests?

They're all men.
It's foolish to pretend otherwise.

He's not a bad man.
He takes care of his woman and children
better than most.

Why haven't you had children?
Some women are barren.
They say that spells
can sometimes make a woman barren.

Was there ever a witch in the village?
Old Martha Vorfeld confessed to being one.
I don't want to talk about it.
There's no need to be frightened.
Witchcraft is nonsense.
It's just a legend.
You shouldn't say such things.
They could denounce you, burn you.
- Everyone would turn against you.
- Don't worry.
