The Omega Man

Three of us?
And today, we don't know yet.

You're the angel of death, Doctor, not us.
He has confessed all, brothers.
Murder, use of forbidden tools,
practice of prescribed rites.

He admits science, medicine, weapons,
machinery, electricity.

He has not shared the punishments.
He does not bear the marks.
Show him, my children.
Show him the pretty marks.
These are the marks, Mr. Neville.
The punishment, which you
and those like you, brought upon us.

In the beginning we tried to help
one another, those that were left.

We tried to clean things up,
set things straight.

We buried things and burned.
Then it came to me
that we were chosen...

Chosen for just this work.
To bury what was dead,
to burn what was evil...

to destroy what was dangerous.
You're barbarians.
You call us barbarian?
This is an honorable name.
We mean to cancel the world
you civilized people made.

We will erase history from the time...
that machinery and weapons
threatened more than they offered.

And when you die...
the last living reminder of hell
will be gone.

