The Organization

You already knew him last night
when I pointed him out to you?

You said you were gonna have Stimpson
take a picture of him. Did you?

We called it off right after that. What else
did Peralez say about all this heroin?

When I asked him where it was
he said he didn't know. Where is it?

- I don't know.
- I'll tell you what I know.

You're making every man
on the force look lousy.

Have the guts to tell the truth.
There's something going on here.

Cool it, Jessop.
I want to hear more from Pecora.
As I said, almost from the start,
Tibbs suggested theories so far out
I wondered how he arrived at them.

I think he knew something
he wasn't telling.

Are you suggesting he was involved
in the murder or murders?

- No, sir. I cannot believe that.
- Well, Tibbs?

Sir, am I being accused of a crime
or of just withholding information
from the department?

- I don't see much difference.
- If I'm being accused of a crime,

I'm entitled to a lawyer and a trial.
Because nothing that was said
here would stand up in court.

Now, you all know that.
When the time comes
we'll be prepared to back it up.

In the meantime, you're suspended.
You are not to leave
this city. Understand?

(Jessop) One more thing, Tibbs.
I know you've suspected
the narcotics division

and all those rumours
about Captain Grayson.

We checked and rechecked. The only
thing we found he was concealing
