The Organization

Yeah? Yeah, it's Benjy.
OK, now listen, Benjy. I was in on the
deal with Joe Peralez. I have the stuff.

You dumb son of a bitch, you! You know
you screwed things up for all of us?

I know, I know. But I wasn't
aiming at you, Benjy.

And besides, you'll look good
if you make the deal.

And Joe? He was playing footsie too. How
do I know what crap you're giving me?

Oh, come on. Would I come out
into the open, even with you,

if I wasn't ready to make a deal?
I know we had a lot of crazy ideas

but now I have the cops to worry about.
- Yeah? OK, what's the deal?
- 500,000, and you keep me out of it.

What are you? Crazy? You know
I can't talk money like that.

- I'll call you back. What's your number?
- Uh-uh. I'll call you back in half an hour.

Now listen.
The exchange has to be
only between you and me.

And for only half the first time.
That's playing it safe for both of us.

Yeah, OK. Where?
How about Turk and Mason?

No, no, no, no, no. No back alleys
for me. Post and Market.

Post and Market?
How the hell high are you?

I mean, I gotta taste the stuff, right?
Yeah. OK. OK. We can, uh, we can
work that out when I get the OK.

If I get the OK, huh? Yeah.
Son of a bitch!
(phone ringing)
Monarch Storage Company.
Mr Vincenti? One moment, please.

Thank you.
Hey, Benjy.
- Interesting. We'll bid on the Douglas fir.
- (phone buzzes)

But I'm not so sure we'd be competitive
on the redwood. Excuse me a moment.

Oh, uh, hold on a second.
Mr Johnson, would you, um, excuse me
a moment? A friend with a little problem.
