The Tragedy of Macbeth

He's here in double trust.
First, as I am his kinsman
and his subject...

... strong both against the deed.
Then as his host...
...who should against his murderer shut
the door, not bear the knife myself.

Besides, this Duncan hath borne
his faculties so meek...

... hath been so clear
in his great office...

... that his virtues will plead
like angels, trumpet-tongued...

... against the deep damnation
of his taking-off.

And pity, like a newborn babe striding
the blast, or heaven's cherubin...

... horsed upon the sightless couriers
of the air, shall blow...

... the horrid deed in every eye,
that tears shall drown the wind.

I have no spur to prick
the sides of my intent.

But only vaulting ambition...
...which o'erleaps itself
and falls on the other side.

- Why have you left the chamber?
- Hath he asked for me?

Know you not he has?
We will proceed no further
in this business.

He hath honoured me of late.
And I have bought golden opinions
from all sorts of people...
