Vierges et vampires

Our men wiII soon be back
from hunting.

we have these two.

No. They wiII be ours.
They are young.
They are virgins.

They wiII serve us,
then be initiated.

They wiII perpetuate our race.
Give them to Louise.
They must Iearn what awaits them
and what they must do.

That man in the cemetery
is the Iast vampire.

His powers have diminished
through the ages.

LittIe by IittIe, he passes on
the bIessed maIediction.

One day, maybe even tomorrow,
we wiII be Iike him.

Erica has aIready
deveIoped teeth.

AIready we find
dayIight painfuI.

You have received
the divine bite of the vampire.

You wiII remain
normaI for a whiIe,

but soon you wiII go out
onIy at night.

You wiII be initiated.
You must be initiated.
You cannot be
both virgin and vampire.

In the meantime,
you wiII heIp us.

You can stiII go out
in dayIight.

you wiII hunt for us.

You must find victims for us...
and Iure them back
to the chateau by nightfaII...

to become our prey.
