Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes

These men will have the task...
:10:04 get food and information
about hostile Indians...

...and the location of El Dorado.
We have every reason to
believe that both are near...

The expedition must return
within one week...

:10:25 water or by land.
If it doesn't...
...we have to assume it is lost...
...and we have to march back
the same way...

:10:40 the hope of reaching an area
inhabited by Christians.

We hope, of course,
that this will not happen...

:10:50 long as the Virgin Mary
is with us.

After careful consideration,
I have decided...

:10:59 make Don Pedro de Ursua
commander of the expedition.

His mistress, Dona Inez de Atienza,
will accompany him.

This happens against my
better judgement.

But she expressed her wish with
such grace and firmness...

...that I cannot refuse it.
Don Lope de Aguirre will be
second in command.

A man who is well qualified
for this task.

His daughter Flores will stay
under his protection...

...this also is against
my better judgement.

At fifteen, she should have stayed
in the care of the Holy Sisters.

As on all expeditions, the word of
God must be brought to the pagans.

I hereby nominate Brother
Gaspar de Carvajal for this task.

The remaining two hundred slaves
will stay with my group.
