Conquest of the Planet of the Apes

Attention. Attention.
This is the watch commander.

Attention. Attention. Disperse unauthorized
ape gathering at the foot oframp six.

Repeat: disperse unauthorized
ape gathering at the foot oframp six.

No citation orfine in this instance.
Repeat: no citation orfine in this...
But how did it happen?
Go! Go!
No! No!
Go! You go!
- But you said humans treated apes like pets.
- They did, in the beginning.

They've made slaves ofthem!
They all died within a few months,
eight years ago.

Every dog and cat in the world.
lt was like a plague.

The disease that killed them was a virus
brought back from space by an astronaut.

- Didn't the disease affect humans?
- We were immune.

And so, it was discovered, were simians,
even the smallest ones.

That's how it began.
Humans wanting little household pets

to replace the ones they had lost.
Then, when people realized how quick
they were to learn, how easy to train,

the pets became larger,
and larger, until now...

lt's monstrous.
Now you understand why l've kept you away.
Yes, Lisa.
A Young Queen Falls for Mrs Riley.
