Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask

we achieve It.
- Now I am yours.
- AI end, the portals of the delight.

Have portals of the delight: truth?
Prepare you. His Majesty woke up
of his siesta for a noise sobrecogedor.

Prepare you. His Majesty woke up
of his siesta for a noise sobrecogedor.

- will divide You in two.
- Yes, it will divide me in two.

One somewhere here and other
to another side of the bedroom.

Yes, of an alone blow.
And I do not turn out to be divided well in two. My
suits are for a finished person.

Then I will not satisfy this passion.
Good, close the this thing
that you have there.

EI real padlock.
Rapid, before--

- Help me.
- I am helping You, but--

Perfect. Closed solidly.
This is more solid than--

My hand is jammed
in the belt of chastity.

Always find me
with the hands in the mass.

What will we do?

EI king?
Yes. Rapid, to put yourself on the garment

my queen!
Where is my queen?

very informal,
as if nothing had happened.

my Queen, a noise sobrecogedor
has woken up me...

putting myself of terrible humor.
my Husband, you
have startled me.

Yes, your majestad. Be a good king
and bring to me a water glass.

EI buffoon has said to me the most graceful
details in your absence.

This way is, your Majesty. It
was almost like to tickle him.

Is that I feel very alone
when you sleep your siesta.

I also.
does not seem to me graceful.
Have a few riddles
for Your Majesty.

what is white and black, white and black
and white and black?

A nun falling down for the stairs.
Give me a kiss.
- Skylight. Extract the language.
not, you!

be enough!
Out of here, buffoon.

- I go away Already.
- I will accompany You on the door.
