
Just a minute!
There's a little matter of ten pounds
I advanced you on your salary.

Are you planning to steal that as well?
There you are.
You know what to do with them.
- Don't let him talk to you like that.
- I know.

- What are you gonna do, luv?
- I don't know.

- Another pub perhaps.
- Are you alright?

- You just gave him back that tenner.
- I had to.

He didn't think I had it.
Don't worry, I've got a bit left.

This is Covent Garden,
not the garden of love.

How 'bout starting work?
Oh, get stuffed!
- Look after yourself.
- I'll call you.

Thanks, guv.
- Hello, Dick.
- Hello, Bob.

I was just coming over for a quick one.
Why aren't you back there polishing
the sausages or watering the gin,

or whatever it is you do there
before opening time?

I have just been given the push.
What for? You weren't pissing
in the beer again?

- Forsythe and I had a set-to.
- Oh, him.
