
They must've gone down the back stairs.
But I ask you, in all conscience,
is it likely I would murder a woman
I'd been married to for ten years?

If it was true, it would be horrible.
And rape her... after ten years of marriage?
Violently rape her?

I don't know. Perhaps you was jealous of her.
- Of Brenda? Oh, come off it.
- I didn't know Brenda. It's possible.

Maybe you wanted to get rid of her.
But I had got rid of her.
We were divorced, remember.
We had been for two years.

There was no question of alimony.
She earned far more than me.

You got that money from her, didn't you?
You never collected a debt.

Well, yes, I did.
But she gave it to me the night
before when we had dinner.

- Twenty pounds.
- Why lie about it, then?

I suppose I was ashamed
to admit it, that's all.

That makes sense, I suppose.
But if Brenda gave you that money,
why'd you sleep in the doss house?

You could've afforded a hotel.
I didn't realise that I had it.

She slipped it into the pocket of my raincoat.
Oh, go on, Dick. Why don't you pull
the other one? It's got bells on it.

But it's true! I suppose
she didn't want to embarrass me.

You've got to admit, it is pretty tall.
Not as tall as me sleeping in a doss
house with 20 quid in my pocket!

If I knew I had it,
I'd never have gone there, would I?

- Maybe.
- Maybe! You smelled that jacket!

Would you sleep there if you didn't have to?
It wasn't that bad, that jacket.
I still think it's a bit suspicious,
your sending it to the cleaners.

Suspicious of what?
In them sex cases,
they always do a lab test on the clothes.

It stank to high heaven!
That's why. You know it did.
Barbara, I swear I'm telling the truth.
Do I look like a sex murderer to you?
Can you imagine me creeping around,
strangling women with ties?

That's ridiculous. For a start, I only own two.
Well, it's true. That jacket was a bit smelly.
