
As you say, they'd been divorced.
He had no call to do her in.

There's no spiteful act
I'd put past old Dicko here,

especially if he were drunk.
Were you drunk when you did it?
Was that it?

I didn't do it, Hetty.
I didn't do it! I swear!
Then why don't you go to the police
instead of involving Johnny?

I didn't want to involve him. He insisted.
That's right, I did.
Can't abandon a chap in trouble.

I still say, why don't you go
to the police and inform them?

They'd never believe him, that's why.
He's the only suspect they've got,
and with the evidence against him,

they'd lock him up without
so much as a by-your-leave.

Please hide him, Mrs Porter, just for tonight,
until we can think what's best to do.
'Course we'll hide him.
Can't throw an old comrade to the cops.

Well, if you want to be arrested
for harboring a wanted man,

or subverting the course of justice
or whatever,

on your own head be it, Johnny.
But I wash my hands of the matter.
Thank God we're off to Paris tomorrow.
That's all I can say.

That is, if we're not all in jail!
I'm going shopping.

- Perhaps I'd better go.
- Nonsense, old chap.

Don't worry about Hetty.
I'll calm her down. Use the sofa tonight.

I must be off. I'm ever so late already.
- What do you do, Miss Milligan?
- I work in a pub.

- Same place he used to be.
- Really?

Why don't both of you slip out of the
country 'til this thing's blown over?

- Give me a hand at the Bulldog.
- Bulldog?

It's an English pub I've opened in Paris.
They're the new thing there.

That's a great idea. Why don't we?
Not likely. I never was any good at French.
You don't have to be. It's an English pub.
As long as you can say non,
you'll be alright.

- Well...
- Come on, Babs.

You don't like the Globe
any more than I did.

Meet me at the flower stall at
Victoria Station tomorrow at 1 1am.

We can get a day trip to France.
You don't need a passport.

- OK.
- Splendid!
