Kansas City Bomber

Come in.
You'll be skating with the Loggers
starting tomorrow.

- Great!
- Sit down.

That fighting is really messing up
my social life.

I heard about Jackie's trouble.
I had the impression
you were giving her a little help.

- No, I just missed a block, that's all.
- That's quite all right. It's all right.

I like that kind of loyalty
from my skaters.

Yeah, I know you do.
So how are you?
- Fine.
- You ready?

- For what?
- Tonight.

Sunday night. I have a dinner date.
I'm picking you up for dinner at 8:00.

- Okay.
- Where you living?

I live with Lovey Sanford.
She has a houseboat.

Oh, yeah, that's right.
Do you mind if I pick you up at
the gangway, 8:00? It'll save time.

Yeah, sure.
This is really a nice place.
You know what I really like about you?
It's the way you enjoy everything.
Your steak, for example.

As a kid, I always felt guilty
unless I cleaned my plate. So I guess...

Who was that, your father?
Always my mom.
As far as I'm concerned,
you can't do wrong.

I don't see how your husband ever...
How'd he let you get away?

- You're not still involved with him, are you?
- No, that was a long time ago.

Don't see him anymore?
He's married again.
We don't see him anymore.

Yeah, my kids and I.
Hey, you didn't finish your steak.
If you don't mind,
I mean, if after I'm finished...

Just so it won't go to waste.
Well, of course.
Anything you desire.
