Last House on the Left

l'm going to get you!
Man. l've got to give up cigarettes.
-Shut up!
-Junior? ls that your real name?

l told you to shut up, or l'll slap you silly.
l'm gonna give you another name. Willow.
Because you're kind of beautiful,
and you shake when the wind blows.

-Krug is the wind.
-Let me alone.

Krug's gonna really be pissed off
we lost her.

Split up, okay? Go that way.
You bitch! Slow down!
Willow, do you have a girlfriend?
Sure, l've got lots of girlfriends
just waiting to get me.

-l don't think you do.
-You're right.

-l want to give you something.
-l don't want that.

-lt's worth a lot. See?
-l don't want it.

-l want to be your friend.
-You want to get free.

-l want to be your friend.
-Where'd she go?

l want to be your friend.
l can get you a fix.

-You can get me a fix?
-You'd like that.

-l'd like it.
-Sadie! Over there!

My father, he works with addicts.
