Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie

We were bareIy out 20 minutes.
They had enough to drink.
You don't just Ieave Iike that!
Why not stop them?
They Iooked scared. They ran out.
- Scared?
- Scared of what?

I'm Your Monsignor Dufour,
bishop of this diocese.

I'd Iike to speak with you.
What was that?
It's true. His Grace came
by before. I Iet him in...

Who's he kidding?
WiII you get the heII out!

You Iet in strangers just Iike that?
He said he was a bishop.
And you beIieved him?
If we're out, beware of strangers.
Remember that!
Very weII, Madame.
Come on, Iet's tidy up a bit.
I wonder why they were scared.
Thevenot's aIways scared.
The Embassy might know something.
Wait a bit. I bet they'II come back.
You're right.
Anyway, the day's ruined.

That's them.
You see? Do you beIieve me now?
- I don't understand.
- Shame on us.

It's nothing.
- WiII you forgive us?
- Of course. It's nothing serious.

Won't you have a seat?
