Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie

How oId are you?
You and your friends
haven't a chance.

VioIence wiII get you nowhere.
I've aIways said so.

You're a good IittIe housewife.
Bread, Iettuce...

The key to dreams...
A man forewarned is forearmed,
don't you think?

Some champagne?
Have any younger brothers?
BasicaIIy, we think aIike.
Take the bomb and poIIution.
You're against.
WeII, so am I.

You're for free Iove. So am I.
How dare you touch me!
Mao Tse-tung was right...

I don't agree.
If Mao said that,
it means he misread Freud.

When aII is said and done,
the onIy soIution to famine and
poverty is the miIitary soIution.

You'II see in Miranda,
when you have to spread your
pretty thighs to an infantry battaIion.

Don't you agree?
And now?
Yours must be Ioaded,
since you're here to kiII me.
I couId easiIy eIiminate you.

But I'II show you
how generous I can be.

The door is open. Get out.
