Man of La Mancha

If there be any amongst you
that require assistance...

you have but to speak...
and my good right arm
is at your service.

Whether it be
a princess held to ransom...

an army besieged...
the fallen to be raised up...
the suffering, the poor...
Dear God. It is she.
Sweet lady...
fair virgin...
I dare not gaze fully
upon thy countenance...

as I'd be blinded by thy beauty.
I'll get you the wine.
Milady, you must not wait
upon my needs.

I implore you,
speak once your name.

- Milady jests.
- Aldonza!

The name of a kitchen scullion
or milady's serving maid!

I told you my name.
Now get out of the way,
or I'Il... by Christ, I'Il...

think to put me to the test?

Oh, sweet sovereign
of my captive heart...

how could I fail thee
when I know...

I have dreamed thee too long
Never seen thee or touched thee
But known thee
with all of my heart

Half a prayer, half a song
Thou hast always been with me
Though we have been always apart
