Man of La Mancha

Now I must consider
how sages of the future...

will describe
this historic night.

Long after the sun
had retired to his couch...

darkening the gates
and balconies of La Mancha...

Don Quixote, with lofty
expression and measured tread...

held vigil in the courtyard
of a mighty castle.

Maker of empty boasts...
on this of all nights
to give way to vanity.

No. Don Quixote,
take a deep breath of life...

and consider
how it should be lived.

Call nothing thine
except thy soul.

Love not what thou art,
only what thou may become.

Do not pursue pleasure...
or thou mayest have
the misfortune to overtake it.

Look always forward.
In last year's nests...
there are no birds this year.
Be just to all men,
courteous to all women.
