Pink Flamingos

-Please be careful.
-l ain't touching you!

Oh, hi, pretty little face.
Pretty little face
you got there.

Hello, l'm Cookie.
l understand you're Edie...
Crackers' grandmother.
Edie, sweetie Edie.
ls Babs back from shopping
for the birthday party?

l'm gonna go.
l got a party dress, you know.
When is the party?
Oh, Babs' birthday.
Are you the eggman?
Well, no.
No, l'm not.
Where's Crackers' mother?
Oh, she's calling
all the people...

to invite them to the party...
and l'm gonna go.
Well, l see you're up, Granny.
Miss Cookie,
this is Miss Cotton.

She's one of my roommates here.
Charmed, l'm sure.
Hello, Cookie.
You sure are
a fine-looking young woman.

Crackers has told me about you.
Why don't you show her the shed?
You'll like it out there.
lt's so private.

Oh, l'd love to see it.
Do you sleep in here, Cotton?
Of course l do, next to Babs.
l couldn't sleep anywhere else.
Come on, Cookie,
l'll go show you my chickens.

Oh, you have chickens?
l love little chickies.
Hold it!
