
Gilbert was one
of the screen 's immortal mobsters,

hero-worshipped and imitated around the world.
The way he talked and acted,
beating up the big boys,

manhandling the women,
appealed to audiences everywhere.

His father was a nothin', a real nothin',
a small time gonzo
that disappeared when Preston was three.

Personally, I think he wound up
as an automobile fender.

That made me feel nervous.
Inside most men is a tough guy trying to get out.
The book on Gilbert was certain
to make money, a lot of money.

That made me feel good.
I remember...
He used to send a broad, after his first date,
11 yellow tea roses with a card which said,

"The 12th is you. "
He didn't get that from no screen script.

He had class.
Buffed every leading lady he worked with.

Don 't worry,
Tony knows every bump in the road.

Gilbert's place was on a small,
exclusive island, a kind of rich man 's Alcatraz.

Home sweet home, Mickey.
Home sweet home.

I didn't feel so good.
