
He and I have a really
splendid relationship.

I make the jokes,
and he laughs at them.

Here, mein Freund. Put
that behind your necktie.

- He didn't laugh.
- No, he wasn't meant to.

- I thought you were trying to be funny.
- You'll know it when I am.

- I see. Cheers.
- Prost.

- What's this ?
- That is an intensely complicated...

fourth dynasty blocking game called Senat.
I've been studying the thing for months,
but I'm still only a beginner.

I wonder if you'd mind putting
that back. It's taken me rather
a long time to get it there.

The center column,
fourth from your right.

Well, now,
I understand you want to marry my wife.
Forgive me raising the matter,
but as Marguerite is away for
a few days in the north...

visiting relatives, I thought this
might be an appropriate moment...

for you and me to have a little chat.
- I see.
- Well, uh, is it true ?

Yes. With your permission, of course.
Why not ? You seem to be a personable
enough young man-- nicely spoken,

neatly dressed in brand-new
country gentleman's clothing.

I'm sure you won't mind me asking you
a few questions about your background--

parents and so forth.
My mother was born in Hereford,
a farmer's daughter,

And my father is an Italian who came
to this country in the '30s from Genoa.

- In the '30s. Jewish ?
- No, catholic-- very devout.

Of course, I'm not
religious at all myself.

My dear boy, you don't have to excuse
yourself to me. We're all liberals here.

I have no prejudice against catholics,
Not even lapsed catholics.

In fact, some of my best friends
are lapsed catholics.

But tell me about your father.
Was his name Tindle too ?

No, his name was Tindolini.
But if you had a name
like that in those days,

you had to make-a de ice cream-a.
He was a watchmaker,
and he wanted us to become
English, so he changed it.

"Become" English.
