
Well, it was quite a while, I concede.
But I got a bit suspicious
towards the end, you know ?

You did go on a bit, I thought.
What did you think of my performance ?
The anguish of the innocent man,
trapped by circumstantial evidence.

- It wasn't a performance.
- Of course it was. It had to be convincing.

Apparently, I succeeded.
You just don't know how to lose
at all, do you, Andrew ?

All that crap you gave old Doppler...
about the gentry losing gracefully.
Why, I told you, you-you did well.
It was really good.
I loved your Inspector Doppler.
I'm glad you view...
the trifling masquerade in that light, sir.
Your makeup was damn good-- first-class.
You didn't do that yourself, did you ?
I am a hairdresser, don't forget.
I do have friends in the, uh, arts.
I suppose you, uh, sneaked--
slipped in here yesterday
while I was in Salisbury.

- Yes.
- Dumped your clothes into my wardrobe...

and sprinkled a little sacrificial
blood onto the bannisters, hmm ?

It wasn't my blood, I know
you'll be relieved to hear.

I got it from a pig's liver.
I suppose you could've used
almost any dago wine.

- Oh, I'll have that drink now.
- Of course.

- Gin and tonic, I think.
- You richly deserve it, my dear fellow.

Come along.
You know, I haven't congratulated you yet...
on your, uh, game.
- Oh ?
- It was jolly good.

You really think so ? Good.
I must say, I was rather
delighted with it myself.

I say, did you really think...
your last moment on earth had come ?
