
lt would've been less painful
ifyou'd told me yourself.

Oh, my God! What's the difference?
How did you live all that time?
Were you in love with someone?
Did you ever think of me?
Sometimes, yes, not always.
Whenever l felt unhappy.
l think someone is playing a kind
of game with us

And the more they play,
the worse it will be for you.
l wish l knew how to help you.
The girl, the other one,
what happened to her?

We'd quarreled. Toward the end,
we used to quarrel a lot.

l packed my things and left her.
She made me understand...
She didn't say it in so many words...

When you've lived with a person long
enough, words aren't necessary.

l didn't think it was so serious,
but then l remembered that l'd
left the laboratory preparations

in the fridge, having explained
to her their effect.

l got scared and wanted to go to her,
but then l thought she'd understand
that l took her words seriously.

On the third day l did go to her
after all.

She was already dead. There was
an injection mark on her arm.
