The Cowboys

I'd like to talk to these boys
before class breaks up, if you don't mind.

Do you wish to address
the young ladies, as well?

No, I don't think so.
I've nothing to say to young ladies.
Then we bow to the fact
that it's a man's world and leave you to it.

I don't expect to get to...
...Belle Fourche with one
single head of beef...

...but I'm cornered...
:28:02 I'm takin' you on.
Now this is the way it's gonna be.
I'm a man and you're boys.
Not cowmen, not by a damned sight.
Nothin' but cowboys,
just like the word says.

And I'm gonna remind ya of it
every single minute of every day and night.

This is the Double-O.
This is Belle Fourche.
In between is 400 miles
of the meanest country in the West.

And the only way
we're gonna get through is if...

:28:43 take orders.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
Bring a bedroll...
...a couple of good ropes...
:28:51, if you've got one.
You'll get the best food in the territory...
:28:56 rest, and damn little sleep.
