The Cowboys

You'll get used to me.
What do you want for wages?
All I can get.
This job pays $100.
A hundred?
That's the money.
Well, if you should get flooded out,
stampeded out, frozen out...

...or scalped by wild red Indians...
...there'll always be substantial food
on the plate and coffee on the boil. But...

...that'll cost you $125.
You're a pretty independent character,
aren't ya?

It's been said of me.
Put your wagon in the barn.
Are all these small boys...?
No! They're my trail hands, God help us.
Well, doesn't anything larger
wanna work for you?

We had a case o' gold fever around here.
They're all that's left.
I'll fix up some sugar tits to take along.
Hey, Dan. What's sugar tits?
This one suits me.
