The Godfather

Did you have a good hunt?
You know all the girls
around here?

We saw some real beauties.
One of them struck our friend
like a thunderbolt.

She would tempt the devil himself.
Really put together.
Such hair, such mouth!
The girls around here are
beautiful...but virtuous.

This one had a purple dress...
And a purple ribbon in her hair.
A type more Greek than ltalian.
Do you know her?
There's no girl like that
in this town.

My God, I understand!
What's wrong?
Let's go.
It's his daughter.
Tell him to come here.
Call him.
Fabrizio, you translate.
I apologise if I offended you.
I'm a stranger in this country.
I meant no disrespect
to you or your daughter.
