The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean

Rode off into the desert just like he came.
Time and the country
just swallowed him up.

Some say he never did return.
Like the historians,
they call it "a romantic fabrication."

Hell, what do they know?
How would anybody know better than me?
I was there. I saw it with my own eyes.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
I took the Judge's little girl
and raised her as my own.

Little Rose grew like a young colt.
Lawyer Gass, he took over.
With a carpet bag full of papers,
he was able to steal the same land...

that the Judge had wrested
from the Devil...

with a gun and a rope.
It was steps going down
for the Judge's marshals.

Gass fired them...
and they was forced to seek livelihoods
beneath their stations.

It didn't take long for their wives
to ditch them, either.
