The Poseidon Adventure

You and trains.
When, in my whole life,
did I ever run for a train?

Who cried for a week when
they tore down the 3rd Avenue EI?

He's lonely.
That's why he runs,
so you won't notice.

Says here there's a package
tour to the mountain...

...where Moses received
the Ten Commandments.

When we finally get to Israel,
we're gonna stay put, no traveling.

We're gonna get to know our grandson.
Just think, he's 2 years old already.
He's talking.

We've never even seen him.
Get down on your knees
and pray to God for help...

...and then maybe everything
will work out?

Not where I come from.
You could wear off your knees praying
to God for heat in February.

And icicles would grow
from your upraised palms.

If you're freezing,
you burn the furniture...

...but you get off your knees.
- Somewhat unorthodox, Reverend Scott.

But realistic.
John, the church is
for more than prayer.

With those sermons, it's a wonder
you're still ordained.

- Or are you?
- The best kind.

Angry, rebellious,
critical, a renegade...

...stripped of most of my
so-called clerical powers.

But I'm still in business.
- You seem to enjoy the punishment.
- Punishment?

The church has blessed me.
Banished to a new country in Africa.
Hell, I had to look it up on a map.

My bishop doesn't know, but he's
given me exactly what I wanted:

Elbow room. Freedom!
Real freedom. Freedom to dump
all the rules and all the trappings.

And freedom to discover God
in my own way.
