The Valachi Papers

Hey, didn't we meet
somewhere before?

- Vito Genovese.
- I don't remember...

...but nice to meet you.
- Fine.

With the help of God,
let us bring success to ourselves.

And to this thing of ours,
great honor.

"From the captured spoils...
...he distribute one
to each of the soldier of the army."

It's from Julius Caesar.
That's a way you learn
the real command.

Everything I learn,
I learn from Caesar.

No kidding.
You remember what Caesar say...
...when he destroy
the tyrant Pharnaces.

Oh, can't say I do, Mr. Maranzano.
It slips me.
He say:
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
That's terrific.
Never know when a line like that
might come in handy.
