The Valachi Papers

- Open up. Open up. It's the police.
- Yeah, yeah.

It's about time.
Veni, vidi, vici, kiddo.
Jane, Mary-Lou, meet Joe.
- Hi, Joe. Greetings.
- Hiya, Joe.

Wait, wait. We're supposed to be
in Maranzano's office at 2.

Don't worry. The meeting's called off.
- Mary-Lou, make breakfast on him.
- Boy, am I hungry.

I don't believe you.
I don't believe you!

Relax. Tony Bender will tell you.
You better get rid
of that chewing gum.

Lay off, Jane.
Baby, I'm ticklish.
Hello, Tony? One second.
- Tony, hi.
- The meeting's canceled.

Yeah, I'll let you know
when the old man needs you.

- Have a swell time.
- Yeah, okay.

- Take it off, Jane.
- Hey, great.

Me Jane, you Tarzan.
Hey, hey!
Okay, Mr. Maranzano.
:51:16 and the Mad Dog
wait at the drugstore telephone.

I give the order,
you hit and don't miss.

Or we go back
on the mattress again, eh?

I hope you don't decide to call it off.
Genovese's boys took my brother.

Valachi, the Gap, they're late.
On their way over.
I just got through talking to them.

I don't like they're late.
When they come in, send them in.

Well, what have we got here?
Mad Dog Coll and Steff Salerto
out for a walk?

There's a law against that?
- Move.
- Try me.

I'll cover him.
Where's Maranzano?
