The Valachi Papers

Help me, Judas.
Make the cross.
I no want sins on my children.
So who really killed Maranzano?
I guess you could say
it was Luciano and Genovese.

They hired the Bugsy Siegel boys
to pose like cops.

...when those phony cops stopped
Salerto and Mad Dog Coll...

...they were on their way to do
the same thing to Luciano and Vito.

A matter of timing, I guess.
We always called him
"Lucky" Luciano.

Yeah, yeah, go on.
First, I eat something.
Okay, Valachi, you've had
your new toys I promised you.

I'm in a hurry.
So let me remind you...

...maybe you're 99 percent safe,
that doesn't mean your wife is...

...or your kid, what's his name?
- You son of a bitch.
- Magician, Valachi.

Start talking, or I pull more rabbits
out of the hat.

- Like these letters from home maybe.
- You hold back letters from my wife?

Well, it's nice to know you care. Do
you care about their safety as well?
