Tout va bien

My name is Marco Guidotti.
I was born in Italy,
but I have a French passport.

I've managed this factory
since September 15, 1967.

This is the first time
anything like this has happened.

Until now, we hadn't been
contaminated by May '68.

My reaction?
For the moment, more amusement
than anything else.

It has more to do with psychiatry.
There are maladjusted people
in factories too, like anywhere,

and they tried to force
a coup for no reason,

without the support
of the people or the union.

There's no lesson to learn from this.
Seriously, what's "class struggle"
got to do with all this?

You're still using
a 19th-century vocabulary.

The glaring injustices
of Marx' and Engels' day are over.

What do you mean, "power"?
The past 25 years
have dashed the hopes

of many Marxist-influenced philosophers
who criticized consumer society.

The last 15 years have proved
that Marxism and collectivism
certainly don't protect you

from exploitation and alienation.
Look at the USSR
and the people's democracies.

I don't think the word "revolution"
has meaning anymore.
