Ultimo tango a Parigi

Maman? Yes, it's Jeanne.
I've found a flat to rent in Passy.
I'm going to see it.

Then I've got to go to the station
to meet Tom. I promised him.

OK, see you later. Bye!
I've come to see the flat. I saw the sign.
- The sign?
- Yes.

It's always the same!
Nobody ever tells me anything.

- I'd like to see it.
- You want to rent it?

- I don't know yet!
- They rent, they leave

and I'm the last to know.
Do you think that's right?
If you want to go up alone,
go on. I'm afraid of spiders.
The key is missing.
Strange things happen.
They drink six bottles a day.
Wait! Don't go! There must be a duplicate.
Here it is.
You must be very young.
Let go of me!
