
We had our bad moments
like any couple.

kit accused me
of only being along for the ride...

... while at times I wished he'd fall in
the river and drown so I could watch.

Take a break, Red.
Life of Riley, huh?
Mostly though, we got along
fiine and stayed in love.

One of the chickens died last night.
I almost stepped on him.
"The kon-Tiki's motion was a little
different from what it usually was.

We had become sensitive
to the log's rhythms.

I thought of suction from the coast and
was always on deck and up the mast. "

He was nervous.
"Time passed. At dawn, just before 6,
Torstein came down from the masthead.

He saw a line of small
palm-clad islands ahead. "

I grew to love the forest. The cooing
of doves and the hum of dragonflies...

...made it lonesome
and like everybody's dead.
