
I left kit in the parlor
and went for a stroll outside.

The day was quiet and serene
but I didn 't notice...

...for I was deep in thought and not
even thinking about how to slip off.

The world was like a faraway planet
to which I could not return.

I thought what a fiine place it was,
full of things that people can enjoy.

Listen to your parents and teachers.
They understand things
and aren't the enemy.

There's always an outside chance
you could learn something.

Try to keep an open mind. Try to
understand the viewpoints of others.

Consider the minority opinion. . .
. . .but try to get along with the
majority of opinion once it's accepted.

Of course, Holly and I have had fun
even if it has been rushed.

So far, we're doing fine.
Hadn't got caught. Excuse the grammar.

Kit's downstairs playing
with the Dictaphone.

Sometimes he acts like there's
something wrong with his bean.

Hope nothing ever
goes wrong with mine.

You think he's crazy, huh?
I don't know, he's kind of odd.
