Battle for the Planet of the Apes

The Governor's very irritable lately.
Who wouldn't be, living in this
hell of radiation all these years?

lf the bomb hadn't killed the old governor,
boredom certainly would have.

Alma, l just want
somebody to talk to. Anybody.

We are at best brave
and at worst mad to be here.

This background radiation alone
will give us 300 roentgens per hour.

That unless we leave this place
within two hours, we shall become inmates.

This is a ghost city.
l want to put some flesh on it.

Radioactive flesh?
Well, we're all radiated,
but at least we're active.

Getting stronger. We must hurry.
Governor, look.
- F6. F6.
- What now?

Alert Mendez.
Men... Mendez to Control Room.
Mendez to Control Room.

Mendez to ControlRoom.
Somebody's breached
the warning system at F6.

- One of our scavengers.
- No. lt's been locked for years.

- lt must have been someone else.
- lmpossible. There is no one else.

Mendez, we have to act, and act quickly.
- Alma?
- Yes, sir?

Work the B console.
Quick, Mendez, quick. Quick.
No, quicker. Faster.
Keep going... No, no. Back. Back.
This is the place.
