Battle for the Planet of the Apes

hostile and human.
- Did the humans follow you here?
- We saw no sign of it.

But we must prepare for the day
when they may come out ofthe city,

when they may come to find us.
No humans in council.
No humans in council.

No. No. No. No.
Yes! They are here because l sent for them.
Now that we know the danger,
we need their help and counsel.

No. No.
- Yes.
- Come.

We shall not sit in council with humans.
Now, let us reason together
and make plans.

Somewhere along the line of history,
this bloody chain reaction has got to stop.

A destroys B, B destroys C, C destroys A
and is destroyed by D, who destroys E.

Before anyone knows where they are,
there won't be anyone left to know anything.

Governor, the captain has come back.

- We found it, Governor. We found Ape City.
- Where?

This... This is a gorilla outpost.
Below is a valley with orchards
and vineyards - enough to feed hundreds.

- Here is Ape City.
- Was it very large?

- lt is of a size we can deal with.
- Were you seen?

No, sir. Caesar was busy with a council of
war. One day soon they'll be coming for us.

No, we're going after them - now.
You have your orders.

Caesar... On the Night ofthe Fires
you swore an oath

that in the future, apes and humans
would live together in kindness and peace.
