Battle for the Planet of the Apes

Get ready to fire.
The doctor is doing her best.
l don't believe Cornelius can live.

Caesar does. He...
he refuses to leave his side.

How can a benevolent God allow
the branch of one of His own trees to crack

and injure an innocent child?
lt didn't crack, Virgil. lt was cut.
Order at council. Order.
Order. The humans are attacking.
They have killed one gorilla,
and they have wounded another.

Tell them.
We were scouting desert approaches
to the city and saw their army.

They fired. My companion was killed.
- l have come to warn you.
- And how long before they get here?

Soon. So now we must prepare.
Take the humans out.
Lock them all in the corral.

Aldo. Aldo, you can't do this.
You're acting against Caesar's orders.
Caesar is not here.
