Battle for the Planet of the Apes

You have put a " B"
in place of
the second " P".

Teacher, have you
forgotten your own name?

Everyone has always called me
teacher that I had forgotten.

"Ape shall never
kill Abe."

Thank you, Cornelius.
That was a very kind thought.
All right, Aldo,

Iet's start with you.
General Aldo.
With respect,
General Aldo,

this is barely legible
and will have to
be written again.

Your capital "A" Ieans over
like a tent in a high wind.

Ha ha ha!
And your capital " K"...
"Ape shall never
kill Abe."

No, Aldo! No!
Teacher, you've spoken
the unspeakable.

I n all ouryears
of slavery to mankind,

the word " no"
was the one word

we were electrically
conditioned to fear.

Caesar has forbidden you
its utterance in perpetuity.

An ape may say no
to a human,

but a human may never
again say no to an ape.

Tell him you're sorry,
Abe, and go home

while you've still
got a home to go to.

I'll put in a good word
foryou with Caesar.

General Aldo,
I'm sorry.

The writing you destroyed
was by Caesar's son.

I did not want you to
suffer Caesar's anger!

What do I care
for Caesar's anger?

Let me give you
a taste of mine!
