
Darling, I'd sell you
an outhouse if I thought
it would put a buck in my pocket.

Now there's the bastard
I know and love.

Do you remember Charlie Eisen?
Bob and Nancy introduced him to us.

Yeah, he's a lawyer, isn't he?

He might be interested
in this house.
He was at the party last night,

and it seems as though
he's planning on getting married.

Hmm. Sounds like he's doing okay.
Who's the lucky girl?

How long have you been seeing him?
Oh, whenever you couldn't make it,
which adds up to quite a bit of time.

I don't think I like
the idea of losing you.

No, I just think you don't like
the idea of losing, that's all.

Would you care for cocktails?
Yes. Two very dry
vodka martinis.

If that's all,
then what's been going on
for the last six months?

Not very much.
Don't you remember?
No strings? No ties?

No great need for each other?
Those were your rules.

Bless your heart,
you kept every one of them.

But I broke 'em all.
Anyway, you might remember that
for next time.

Anytime a girl agrees to
an arrangement like that,
she's already in love with you.

It's just a question of appetite.
Crumbs or no cake at all.
