Deux hommes dans la ville

- You're late.
- Yes, papa.

Hi, Dad.
You have a visitor.
You forget?

We ate without you.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.

How are you?
Fine, thanks for the invite.
He said you forgot him.
He's right.
- Come eat something.
- Thanks, I'm not hungry.

You got out just in time.
Yeah, I know.
I saw the papers.

- Is it that bad in there?
- It's just getting started.

Easy to put them away,
but gotta keep them busy.

So be it.
Could your generation do better?
I didn't say a word.
When crime occurs,
we should go after its causes,
rather than the criminals.

That's what I say too.
Blow up the prisons!
Don't tire your father.
Blow it up if you want,
but I won't be there.

I'm quitting.
You can't be serious.
Why make things harder?
You've nearly reached retirement.

Not allowed to live in Paris,
Gino found a job in Meaux.
Apolice record and residence
forbidden in major cities

are two gifts society offers
a freed prisoner.
